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Forum Posts

Frank M Cook
Jan 09, 2019
In InfoPower VCL
We're porting an old CBuilder App to the latest and we've always used InfoPower. I'm pleased to see that they now have Hi Res settings for 4K monitors but I'm wondering if there are printing issues. The PDF suggests having users set the DPI to 200% but in the past we've had issues with screen resolutions not getting properly translated to printer resolutions with high DPI settings. We've had one user of our current version install it on a 4K laptop and we found he had to set a compatibility option to let the application over-ride the DPI adjustment. Has been down this path already? What's the best way to have the application size fonts so that they are readable on higher resolution monitors? Did you detect the screen resolution and hard card an appropriate font size or create a settings page for the user to do it manually? Did you find that you needed to hand adjust every form for different fonts or was it safe to rely on the components realigning properly?

Frank M Cook

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