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Purchase InfoPower Enterprise and receive a bundle of InfoPower 4k Athens and InfoPower FMX (FirePower X3) for building state of the art Windows (VCL and FMX), MacOS and mobile applications
FirePower Mobile Grids
FirePower running on iPhone and Android. The iPhone here is using the LayoutGrid component and the Android is using the DataGrid component.
Do More
InfoPower's Data Inspector
Use InfoPower's Hierarchical inspector to edit attribute lists
InfoPower Grid
Embed custom controls, urls, rtf text, hierarchical titles, and more
Firepower Desktop Grid
FirePower grid here running on a Mac
InfoPower Grid
InfoPower grid showing custom title menus and grouping
FirePower Transition Viewer
Use FirePower's LayoutGrid to display multiple records at a time, and allow animated transitions when changing pages
InfoPower Vertical Layout Grid
Use the TwwDataInspector to display your records vertically and scroll horizontally
InfoPower RTF Editor
Use InfoPower's advanced RTF editor with your data
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