I am able to add fields to the SelectedList property of a wwFilterDialog via code when the control is shown. I would like to be able to use a "Display Label" to present to the user a more understandable fieldname instead of the actual fieldname from the table. It seems that unless the item that is to be added to the SelectedList matches an existing fieldname, then the item is not allowed to be added to SelectedList. For example, if I have a fieldname within the table of "FName" but I want to user to see the field as "First Name" the wwFilterDialog.selectedFields.add() won't accept/display this revised name.
I was hoping that the wwFilterDialog.SelectedList behaved in a similar manner to the wwDBGrid.Selected property where I could add a "Field Name" AND a "Display Label".
Is this possible?
I decided to just adjust the TField object's DisplayLabel. It is not exactly what I want, but it is a usable work around for the time being.