Hi Roy!
I am getting a range error in a TwwDBRichedit form when opening the popup editor using the Execute method. The error occurs in function wwRegionFromBitmap in vcl.wwcommon.pas and happens regardless of whether there is any text in the edit and regardless of whether any text is selected.
I am running in Delphi Rio (VCL/Windows 10-64 bit). Error occurs when code compiled for either 32-bit or 64-bit platforms. I am using Infopower
Thanks for any assistance!
function wwRegionFromBitmap(ABitmap: TwwBitmap; TransColor: TColor): HRgn;
with ABitmap do
for Row := 0 to Height - 1 do
Col := 0;
while Col < Width do
while (Col < Width) and
>> (wwGetStdColor(Pixels[Row, Col]) = TransColor) do //Error occurs here
if Col >= Width then
We are seeing the same error (Delphi 10.3.3 with latest Infopower) - did you manage to get it resolved? Any thoughts Roy?