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FirePower Revisions

Version (Oct 2nd, 2024)

  • TwwSearchBox - Fixed mobile problem where it brings up a form when typing into the control.


Version (Sept 30th, 2024)

Compatibility with RAD Studio 12.2

  • TwwListBox - In some cases streaming of the items could yield an access violation

  • TwwLookupComboEdit - Fixed autosizing of dropdown list issue where scroll bar width was not accounted for in some cases

  • FirePower Edit controls have access violation when compiled with 12.2 with target platform of Android. This problem is fixed.


Version 15.0.2 (August 5th, 2024)

  • TwwAdvComboEdit - When stylelookup is set to buttonstyle the control would previously bring up the virtual keyboard when gaining focus. This problem is fixed

  • TwwAdvComboEdit - With stylelookup as buttonstyle, there was duplicated text displayed in the control. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDataGrid - Avoid exception when grid was using a background style object that wasn't TStyleObject

  • TwwEdit - OverrideStyleSettings.FontSize not working in some cases. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwLayoutGrid - When associated dataset is empty, the control will no longer try to update the control's value. This could cause an exception previously. Also with empty datasets the control erroneously would try to move the record pointer previously. These problems are fixed

  • TwwLookupComboEdit - published StyleSettings property

  • TwwMemoEdit - When text was blank, the cursor would not always appear. This problem is fixed.


Version (May 14th, 2024)

  • Fixes problem with  TwwCalendarEdit.CanvasTextWidth which could cause problems on mobile devices in not correctly determining the clicked position

  • TwwComboEdit - In some cases with DisableDisappear=false, the Content could be nil causing an exception. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDataGrouper - Fixed bug when summing integer type fields which would cause an exception

  • Linux Platform previously had some missing files which would cause compile errors. This problem if fixed.


Version (March 19th, 2024)

  • TwwRecordViewPanel - Fix IDE issue when closing form causing access violation.

  • TwwDataGrid - When hiding column during runtime, it could cause some painting residue. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwEdit - SelectAll when getting focus if AutoSelect is true


Version (Dec 3rd, 2023)​

  • TwwLookupDialog and TwwSearchBox - Fixed problem with search not working

  • TwwLookupComboEdit - Fixed problem with incremental search with style=csDropDownList. Now uses workaround TEdit mouse issue with changing selection even when control does not allow entry.

  • Fixed TwwLookupComboEdit causing access violations when dbl-clicking selection on mobile. An access violation could also occur after closing combo and later moving the lookup table to another record.

  • TwwEdit - Workaround inherited TEdit issue when using FilterChar causing edit controls to yield exception when getting focus on Android devices


Version (November 27th, 2023)

  • Fixed fuzzy fonts when deploying to Mac Sonoma systems

  • Fixed pickers for Combos not popping up in iOS and Android


Version (November 14th, 2023) - Initial


Version (November 7th, 2023)

  • TwwLayoutGrid and TwwDatGrid showed blurry fonts when scale was set for control. This problem is corrected.


Version (May 16th, 2023)

  • TwwLayoutGrid - Control could have display problems in some cases when touch scrolling such as the control not updating. This problem is fixed

  • TwwTrackBarPanel - Control Could cause recursive painting with RAD Studio 11.3 causing it to freeze. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwCalendarEdit - Fixed problem where control would not highlight text after mouse down.


Version (Feb 28th, 2023)

  • TwwDataGrid - Fix problem with fixed columns not update displa. This could happen if no indicator and no fixed columns and inactive dataset


Version (Jan 4th, 2023)

  • TwwDataGrid - Fixed problem where RecordCount could be wrong after filtering records

  • TwwDataGrid - OnCalcHint not firing for cells in Title Row before

  • Support for iOS arm simulator

  • ShowWaitDialog in iOS not appearing for iOS 16 with iPhone 14. Demo changed to use threaded ShowWaitDialog​ so it still appears.

  • AnimatePage fixed so that canvas error does not appear. This was introduced with RAD Studio 11.2 update


Version (July 21st, 2022)

  • Fixed maindemo so that email with attachment works for 64 bit Android

  • TwwLayoutGrid - Add support for embedded TwwRecordViewPanel

  • TwwComboEdit - New ShowAsDialog property to support showing the combo's selections in a dialog instead of a drop down list. By showing in a dialog, it allows mobile platforms to incrementally search on the selections that are available.

  • TwwCalendarEdit, TwwComboEdit - Added support to fire OnPopup

  • TwwLookupDialog - Dialog not previously not centered correctly

  • TwwButton - Fixed errors in not being able to select button at design time for default iOS styles


Version (June 17th, 2022)

  • TwwDataGrid - New property Options.ReadOnlyStillShowEditor. Set to true to still show editor for readonly fields. This property only works for desktop

  • TwwEdit in Grid. Previously did not respect style background color

  • TwwLookupComboEdit- Dropdown list not showing all data with certain desktop scaling.


Version (March 24th, 2022)

  • TwwDataGrid - Fix other cases where BeginScene error was occurring when scrolling

  • TwwDataGrid - Fixed issue with combo selection not triggering edit mode in dataset.


Version (March 8th, 2022)

  • TwwCalendarEdit - When used to display only the time, it would not accept the changes on mobile devices. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwButton - When using a button style that has no background object, setting the color had no effect. This version adds support for colors even in this case.

  • TwwRecordViewPanel - In some cases when the record view was created dynamically with code, an access violation could occasionally occur. This problem is fixed.


Version (Feb 7th, 2022)

  • TwwDataGrouper - Fix IDE access violation when there are no groupings defined

  • TwwDataGrid - Add GroupTitleAlign to the grid column. Set this if you want a different alignment for the group title in the column.

  • TwwDataGrid - Fix access violation that could occur when scrolling in some cases , such as with the mouse wheel.

  • TwwDataGrid - Fix mouse wheel painting problem that could occur in some cases

  • TwwDataGrid - Some keyboard handling would not work such as the home key if there were invisible columns.

  • TwwLookupComboedit -  Avoid exception when downarrow after dropping down first time and then close


Version (November 2nd, 2021)

  • TwwDataGrid - Avoid exception relating to internal focus object which could occur in some rare instances (i.e. MDI forms hidden and resown)

  • TwwDataGrid - When using Adapter datasources, it could yield an exception when scrolling past the last record. This problem was introduced in and resolved in this build.


Version (10/26/2021)

  • TwwDataGrid - Fix exception that could occur after sorting in grid

  • TwwDatGrid, TwwLayoutGrid - Fix problem with blurry text in windows when grid's position was not on an integer boundary

  • TwwDataGrid - Fixed some issues with options.dgPadLastColumn

  • TwwRecordViewPanel - Support OverrideStyleSettings.Data.BackColorOpacityPercent. Previously opacity was only 1/2 of the BackColor setting. Now you can configure the opacity so you can gain 100% opacity.


Version (10/14/2021)

  • TwwCalendarEdit - Fix problem in closing up calendar yielding an access violation for mobile target devices.


Version (9/24/2021)

  • TwwAdvCustomComboEdit - Fixed text placement when have image on the left. Previously text could overlap image.

  • Fixed argument out of range error error that could appear in some FirePower container controls such as the TwwDataGrid.


Version Initial FirePower X2 release


Version (4/16/2021)

  • TwwDataGrid - Performance with most recent OS X/BigSur was noticeably slower in painting/scrolling. We recommend adding the following line of code to your project source before the initialize which uses metal graphics and is faster to paint.



  FMX.Types.GlobalUseMetal := True;  // add this line.


  Application.CreateForm(TMainDemoForm, MainDemoForm);



Note that also this build has a new method of painting the default text in the grid that is significantly faster even when metal is not used. If there are any unforeseen issues, you can return to the old behavior by adding this line of code in your main project source.


 wwGlobalManager.InfoPowerControlsManager.TextPaintingNew:= false;



Note: You will need to add the units fmx.types to resolve the GlobalUseMetal reference and add fmx.wwmanager to resolve the TextPaintingNew reference.


  • TwwDataGrid - Footer painting would incorrectly clear grid's data rows in some cases such as when the Imagecontrol property was assigned as the background image.. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwLayoutGrid/TwwDataGrid - Retina painting on Mac OS X was not as sharp before for custom controls.

  • TwwLayoutGrid - TwwEdit embedded in layout grid with a different font size (overridestylesettings.fontsize assigned) would paint text too large before in OSX. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwListBox - Right Accessory icon would disappear if changing visibility of controls within the listbox during runtime. This problem is fixed.


Version (4/4/2021)

  • TwwRecordViewPanel - Item configured as switch was incorrectly using ControlAttributes.Checkbox settings instead of switch settings. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwRecordViewPanel - Non FirePower graphical controls now respect record item's height instead of forcing it to be a single line height.

  • TwwLookupComboEdit - DropDown ListBox height needed to be 1 pixel larger for screen scales of 125, 175, 225. Otherwise the combo would not show the last item in the list.


Version (2/24/2021)

  • Now Compatible with RAD Studio 10.4.2 Release

  • TwwDataGrid - Fixed issue when exporting with Android. It could generate an access violation the second time the export was done.


Version (2/1/2021)

  • TwwExpander was grayed out in IDE except for Win32. This is corrected.

  • TwwDataGrid - Fixed problem with using OverrideStyleSettings.Footer.FontSize. Font was scaled too much.

  • TwwListBox - New ImagesUseEffects property. Set to true to have the listbox use the effects when painting its image. To set the effects see the ItemControls.ImageControl.Effects property


Version (12/19/2020)

  • TwwTrackBarPanel - Tick Labels previously displayed incorrect text. This problem is fixed

  • TwwImageControl - Added Stroke, Fill, XRadius, YRadius, Corners, and CornerType properties allowing for a much more flexible and modern presentation of your image.


Version (12/7/2020)

  • TwwDataGrid - Support multi-line column titles in design tools

  • TwwDataGrid - Removed instances where grid could unnecessarily and prematurely call ApplyStyles which could trigger controls to lose their styling.

  • TwwLayoutGrid - In cases where OverrideStyleAttributes.Frame.Enabled was true and ReadOnly was false, the grid could paint an extra background rectangle causing the active record to not be displayed correctly. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwLookupComboEdit and TwwLookupDialog - Design tools: button for adding all columns did not previously work

  • TwwPlatformServices new static properties (affects only TwwPlatformServices.ShowWaitDialog and ShowWaitIndicator for iOS). Here are the relevant new properties and types for TwwPlatformServices which you can initialize in your main form's initialization section.

TwwWaitIndicatorColor = (Gray, White, WhiteLarge);

class var WaitMessageFontColor: TAlphaColor;

class var WaitMessageBackColor: TAlphaColor;

class var WaitMessageIndicatorColor: TwwWaitIndicatorColor;


Version (11/10/2020)

  • Updated Email with attachment demo program so that it works with latest Android devices.

  • Updated documentation

  • LookupDialog previously could enlarge to a width larger than the screen width. This screen is now limited to the width of the monitor's workspace.


Version (10/7/2020)

  • Improved keyboard support for Android when using validation masks. Previously would not always autofill or refresh the display based on the validation colors


Version (9/23/2020)​

  • This version requires RAD Studio 10.4 Update 1 or later

  • TwwCalendarEdit - Designer: Support for custom buttons at design time by right-clicking component

  • TwwCalendarEdit - Now auto highlights entire date/time when receiving focus with the mouse. Previously the behavior of mouse click was different than when tabbing to the control. To return to the old behavior, set Options.wwDTOSelectAllWhenFocused to false.

  • TwwCalendarEdit - Added methods UpClick and DownClick in case you wish to call these from external button. UpClick and DownClick are equivalent to entering the up arrow and down arrow keys.

  • TwwCalendarEdit - Support MouseWheel in dropdown calendar when mouse is over the year or month. This allows the user to select a year easily without having to use the keyboard.

  • TwwSearchBox - Avoid error in auto-generated filter during user input by better handling of memos and logical field types.

  • TwwSearchBox Designer - Fixed problem with not immediately recognizing design time changes after deleting fields through the fields designer.

  • TwwSwitch - Previously ignored property settings for custom control TwwSwitch in grid. Now the switch control's properties are used if ControlType=CustomControl. Also ValueChecked and ValueUnchecked are now case insensitive.

  • TwwLayoutGrid - New property PaintOptions.NoRecordsMessage which displays in the layoutgrid when it has no records.


Version (8/14/2020)

  • TwwLayoutGrid - Now supports embedding in TListBoxItem

  • TwwLayoutGrid - Ensure valid internal FSelection whereas before could cause access violation of layout grid was invisible.​

  • TwwTreeView - Support MouseWheel in IDE


Version (7/6/2020)

  • In some instances FirePower edit controls could stop showing their background when resizing the form and a TwwDataGrid goes out of view. This is related to the caching of the style manager. This problem is addressed by the grid now defaulting to DisableDisappear as True which prevents the control from losing its style attributes.

  • TwwTrackPanel embedded in TwwTreeView now better supports keystroke handling with the arrow keys.


Version (6/30/2020)

  • TwwTreeView - Support for bound images, image combos, and switches. Removed duplicate bindings created by tree. Improved documentation on TwwTreeView. New demo for to show embedded controls.

  • TwwTreeView - Fixed design time display when using AutoSizeColumns where the edit column was too wide when first loading the form.

  • TwwDataGrid - Fixed internal GetValueByRecord which could cause issues with retrieving field values. This impacted the lookup combo or code that called GetValue for fields where no columns were created.  New support for ControlAttributes.Switch to allow customizable graphical switches inside the grid without having to use a custom control.

  • FirePower Edit controls - Now ignore TField.Alignment overriding TextAlign property of FirePower controls. Previously in 10.4 Sydney the TextAlign was overwritten by the tfield settings.

  • TwwComboEdit with Style set to csDropDownList did not previously support changing the drop down list icon. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwImageControl - New DrawStyle property to increase options for how the embedded image is painted in its canvas area.

  • TwwRecordViewPanel - Fixed error in creating bindings for its embedded edit controls

  • TwwTrackBar - Now supports custom labels so that you can use the trackball to select a list of string values. See the new demo form TreeGridControls in the main demo which has an example of this.


Version - FirePowerX initial release


Version (4/28/2020)

  • Fixed Memory leak when using grid title button to sort or closing lookup combo's drop down list. 

  • TwwImageControl did not support filenames that were in numeric format.  Previously if the binder value was a number it assumed it represented an image index, and not a filename. Now if the Images imageList is unassigned it assumes it is still a filename

  • TwwComboEdit - The ItemIndex was not properly updated in some cases

  • Add TwwManager.Grid.DiscardChangesMessage property which is the message that the grid shows when cancelling changes (User escape key)

  • TwwLookupComboEdit's ListBox and TwwDataGrid- Cleaned up logic so mouse wheel scrolls view instead of simply moving the record position. This allows for a more smooth and instinctive feel to the user. To return to the old behavior, you can set the new property PaintOptions.MouseWheelScrollsRecord to false for the grid or DropDownGrid. For the dropdown list the vertical scroll bar up/down buttons will now scroll always instead of just when PaintOptions.LoadAllRecords is true.

  • TwwLookupComboEdit - In some cases the highlighted record in the dropdown list would disappear when moving through the list. The active record could also jump to the middle sometime when scrolling. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwLookupComboEdit and TwwCalendarEdit when attached to a time field: When embedded in the TwwDataGrid, the edit portion remained highlighted causing a confusing cell highlight with an inner selected text highlight. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwLookupComboEdit's dropdown height and width were not large enough when the scaling of the user's window setting was set to precisely at 125%. This was noticed when running in windows. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwRecordViewPanel - Cleaned up code when destroying auto-created controls

  • TwwLookupComboEdit - Cleaned up code in closeup to free created resources. This is avoid OSX64 random access violations when repeatedly dropping down the list.


Version (4/6/2020)

  • TwwRecordViewPanel - Android keyboard scrolling to bring edit control into view did not work when scaled. It also would fail to bring the edit control into view if the record view has already scrolled down. This problem is fixed.


Version (4/2/2020)

  • TwwLayoutGrid - Ignore invisible controls for tab stop purposes. Otherwise the user could enter tab to move out of a panel but the grid does not move to the first available control in the next panel.


Version (3/31/2020) - Requires RAD Studio 10.3.2 or 10.3.3

  • TwwDataGrid - When the grid is associated with a dataset that has only partially loaded its data, the grid will not load a new page of records if trying to drag the thumb downward at the bottom of the scrollbar. Now you can set the property PaintOptions.ThumbDragLoadsMoreRecords to true to enable this functionality.

  • TwwDataGrid - Could generate runtime error when displaying a column of type BCDField. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDataGrid - Fixed issue with invisible grid causing access violation. This could happen since the grid internal handle is not yet created on events such as EditingChanged would fire.

  • TwwDataGrid - Master/Detail with lookup combo in detail grid could cause access violation since the lookup combo's grid handle does not get its style applied.

  • TwwRecordViewPanel could generate a design time error when adding display fields to a item of type lookup combo. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDataGrid - Master/Detail could show blank row when expanded in some situations. This problem if fixed.

  • TwwExpander in TwwDataGrid - Display ampersands instead of using ampersand as an underline indicator


Version (3/1/2020) - Requires RAD Studio 10.3.2 or 10.3.3

  • TwwDataGrid - Master Detail Grid could have painting problems in some cases with PaintOptions.PaintEfficiency set to BufferRecords. This problem is fixed.

  • Removed dependency upon deprecated unit fmx.wwpickers.  This fixes issue with IDE error message when opening the FirePower package a 2nd time (yielded "This service is already loaded error message before)

  • TwwPlatformServices Email with attachment not previously working for newer Android devices. This problem is fixed.


Version (12/10/2019) - Requires RAD Studio Rio 10.3.2 or 10.3.3

  • TwwLookupComboEdit could yield access violation when closing up in OSX64 bit. This problem has been fixed by using a delayed timer to execute closeup operation after a mouse clicks in the dropdown list.


Version (11/22/2019) - Requires RAD Studio Rio 10.3.2 or 10.3.3

  • Support Android 64 for Delphi

  • TwwDataGrid - horizontal scrolling of footers would paint into the wrong column in some cases when fixed columns were used. This problem has been fixed.

  • TwwDataGrid - When embedding a TwwButton in a grid the text of the button was incorrect in some cases. This problem has been fixed.

  • TwwDataGrid - When using osx64 bit, clicking on a title button could yield an access violation in some cases during the sorting process. This problem has been fixed by using a delayed timer to execute the actions of the button.

  • TwwEdit - Fixed issue relating to resource cleanup could leave a dangling reference to internal background object in some rare instances (creating tab pages with reparenting of other forms).

  • In some rare cases grids inside a TwwExpander could cause an access violation (see above notes on TwwEdit)


Version (10/8/2019) - Requires RAD Studio Rio Update 2

  • TwwDataGrid - When embedding a drop-down combo in a column in the grid. the dropdown list was not scrollable on Android. This problem has been fixed.

  • TwwRecordViewPanel - The automatic scrolling to bring a control into view was not working (so it doesn't overlap keyboard) if the control being edited was near the bottom. This could happen with newer Android devices where virtual tool buttons would appear when the keyboard was shown so the keyboard overlap was not recognized.This problem is fixed.​

  • TwwLayoutGrid - In some instances the grid would recognize a click in the wrong position and could shift the grid up one row. Also fixed issue where active record panel could be shifted into wrong position in some cases.

  • TwwLayoutGrid - Support binding to TBooleanField - Previously treated boolean as string which does not cause any issues with display, but could cause issues when using custom drawing events and using the GetValue method.


Version (9/27/2019) - Requires RAD Studio Rio Update 2.

  • TwwLayoutGrid  - For desktop the dataset would not always be on the clicked record at the time of the  OnItemClick event. This problem is fixed.


Version (9/25/2019) - Requires RAD Studio Rio Update 2.

  • Fixed issue with IDE having FirePower components greyed out when using OSX64

  • Fixed Dbl-Click not firing for mobile and desktop in some cases

  • In some styles the enabling the checkbox in a TwwListBox could yield an access violation This problem is fixed.

  • When using OverrideStyleSetttings.BackColor, the TwwMemo background color's opacity changed to be consistent with TwwEdit. Previously the TwwMemo and TwwEdit had different default opacities causing it to be difficult to have a consistent background.

  • In some cases, the TwwLookupDialog could yield access violation when no columns were selected. Fixed.

  • First row could be painted to wrong internal canvas when dgindicator was disabled, causing the title text to be in the data row. This issue is fixed.

  • TwwLayoutGrid - OnCustomDrawControl event now fired for all controls in active record even when ReadOnly is false. Previously only when readonly was true would this event fire for all controls in the layout grid.

  • TwwLayoutGrid - When touch scrolling the bouncing at bottom was erratic in its display. The bounce should now be more consistent with the bounce at the first record.


Version 12.0.5 (8/14/2019) - Requires RAD Studio Rio Update 2. This version will not work with earlier versions.

  • Updated for RAD Studio Rio Update 2

  • Support for OSX 64 bit

  • Updated for FMXLinux to build Linux applications

  • TwwLayoutGrid - Fixed issue with active record being on wrong position if positioned through code before the grid is initialized.


Version (7/7/2019)

  • Fix access violation with TwwLayoutGrid in frame in some instances.

  • TwwLookupComboEdit did not update LookupValue when using incremental searching on an unbinded lookup combo. This problem is fixed. Also​ fixed issue with the dropdown always highlighting the record if if nothing selected.


Version (5/29/2019)

  • TwwAdvComboEdit - Fix memory leak

  • TwwDataGrid - OnExit not fired in some cases. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwListBox - Fix problem with recognizing selected records in some cases using the IsSelected method.


Version (3/22/2019)

  • TwwDataGrid - When using the TwwAdvComboEdit in the grid, the column associated may not match the grid colors in some cases. This would happen under certain styles where the comboedit style had multiple 'background' resources. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDataGrid - Grid's internal RecNo could be wrong when the dataset applied a filter. The grid now detects this and avoids the problem of being in the wrong scroll position in some cases after a filter is applied.

  • TwwDataGrid - ImageControl tied to an ImageList would not show its image if the image was the active cell. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDataGrid - Dbl-Click Col Sizing (Change size to be longest displayed width of column) was not working consistently. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwImageControl now supports binding to a floating field and not just integer fields when binding to an imagelist. Floating point numbers are rounded to the nearest integer to compute the imageindex.

  • Footer design slightly changed so that it is part of the content instead of the parent layout. This allows the footer to stay above the horzscrollbar where in some cases in the past it could be below the scrollbar.


Version (3/4/2019)

  • MainDemo now works for file sharing in Android. Previously would fail with sdk > 24.

  • TwwDataGrid - Avoid index out of range when resizing columns in a columnless grid.


Version (2/20/2019)

  • EmailAttachment Demo did not work with Android sdk greater than 24. The demo now works. Also updated library to accomodate sdk 24 or higher in this regard. Make sure that you update your Project Options Application.EntitlementList for Android so that SecureFileSharing is enabled.

  • TwwLayoutGrid : When having fewer records than can fit the layout grid, then it would not immediately recognize record insertions until the record was posted. This problem is fixed. Also support other styles in the embedded record panel besides just TRectangle.

  • TwwCalendarEdit - Added OnDropDown event


Version (2/7/2019)

  • Included missing image files for maindemo. Previously maindemo may not compile for Android due to missing splash images

  • Grid could through exception if sorted by column that is not in the grid's list of fields.  This problem is fixed.


Version (1/30/2019)

  • Fix bug when closing forms containing TwwLookupComboEdit as they could 'argument out of range' errors when closing the form.

  • Added SearchMethod and MatchType propertyiesto TwwLookupDialog. If you want filter as you type then set MatchType to sbfmtMatchAnywhere and SearchMethod to either sstUseFilterCode or sstUseFilterProp.


Version (1/15/2019)

  • Fix bug where TwwSearchBox failed to search on mobile devices.


Version 12.0.3 (1/10/2019)

  • Fix bug when using master/detail grid where the master record did not show its text


Version 12.0.2 (12/17/2018)

  • Fixed issue with access violation in some instances of using the TwwDataGrid


Version 12.0.1 (12/7/2018)

  • Fixed issue with TwwSwitch and not flushing changes when exiting control


Version 12.0.0 (11/28/2018)

  • Initial FirePower 12 release



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