I am running infoPower 4K 20.0.1 and am having an issue at runtime where dropped down wwDBLookupCombo boxes keep getting wider every time the mouse pointer enters or exits the component. This does not happen with all instances of the component, but, where it does happen, it happens consistently and can be reproduced at will.
Properties for one instance where this happens are:
object Supplier: TwwDBLookupCombo
Left = 113
Top = 31
Width = 249
Height = 21
Picture.AllowInvalidExit = True
DropDownAlignment = taLeftJustify
Selected.Strings = (
'Supplier_No'#9'8'#9'A/C No.'#9'F')
LookupTable = SuppQry
LookupField = 'Supplier_No'
Style = csDropDownList
TabOrder = 2
AutoDropDown = True
ShowButton = True
UseTFields = False
PreciseEditRegion = False
AllowClearKey = False
OnCloseUp = SupplierCloseUp
OnExit = SupplierExit
The lookuptable is a TADOQuery component
Below are properties of another instance of the component of the same form that does not exhibit the same behavior.
object BankAccount: TwwDBLookupCombo
Left = 113
Top = 58
Width = 121
Height = 21
Picture.PictureMask = '&-##-##[&]'
DropDownAlignment = taLeftJustify
Selected.Strings = (
LookupTable = BankQry
LookupField = 'Nominal_Code'
Style = csDropDownList
TabOrder = 3
AutoDropDown = True
ShowButton = True
UseTFields = False
PreciseEditRegion = False
AllowClearKey = False
OnChange = BankAccountChange
Steve Everington
I can't reproduce your problem. Can you email us a simple project with the problem?